The Suburban Presents:
Opening BBQ: Sunday, April 6, 2014, 2-4 pm
The Suburban
125 N. Harvey Av
Oak Park, IL 60302
The Suburban, now in its 15th year is delighted to announce that Seth Hunter will be repairing the damaged freestanding concrete block gallery as an artwork. Hunter’s colleague Bradley Carter writes: “For the artist, this is a work of affirmation, not of critique. Eliminating the evidence of trauma sustained by the structure is an act of erasure at its most positive: faithfully reinforcing the program of the gallery.”
The Suburban’s second gallery will be hosting an exhibition titled "Shell Game," a suite of new works by Evan Gruzis that blend humor with abstraction and process-centric painting. As the title suggests; transience, hollowness, and sleight-of-hand, are the dominant themes of the work. Here he is furthering this investigation by combining textile-dye techniques with painted depictions of frames and borders, faux finishes with readymade artifacts and pattern with chaos. The deliberate yet generic repetition in his work points to a meditative objective while prodding: Which shell is it under?
Starting in the summer of 2014, Milwaukee’s Green Gallery will begin programming projects and exhibitions in The Suburban’s third gallery in Oak Park. In recognition of this, The Suburban invited artist and Green Gallery director John Riepenhoff and artist Richard Galling to exhibit their paintings. In this exhibition, Galling’s paintings become “a screen or a filter for what is behind or below as much as John's painting becomes a backdrop for the staging that is happening up in front - which is a kind of posing… I think there are these different levels and ways in which the objects are acting in relation to one another…” Riepenhoff writes of his plein-aire paintings: “I'm actually mapping out what I see of the night sky… an attempt to create an object that's equal to the depth of the subject. There's something that is added to the object through the creation process, I am not just trying to copy the likeness of something.”
X-tra Volume 16, number 3 SPRING 2014
LEF(t) Publications Standard Edition is a broadsheet publication printed in limited quantities and available free at new distribution points (globally). Each LEF(t) is themed and consists of a visual project and three text projects.